The right borderless collaboration solutions can help companies unfold their teams’ full potential anytime, 在任何地方.
Offer your teams the borderless collaboration they need to maintain and grow your business with collaboration solutions from the network to the cloud. When all your systems are communicating clearly with each other, your users are too.
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise solutions deliver powerful and secured communications capabilities to support your business, 所有这些都由合格的合作伙伴提供,并具有灵活的商业模式.
每个组织都是独一无二的. Every company or institution has different communications needs which means every organisation needs customised collaboration solutions.
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise offers an end-to-end solution portfolio that enables you to benefit from 云通信, 通信产品 and 网络产品 无缝,在本地,混合或在云中.
Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise offer powerful collaboration features to always stay connected:
- 把办公室的电话号码发到家里或移动设备上
- 与客户和供应商保持相同的互动
- 转移呼叫很容易在一键
- Carry-out high-quality video meetings with customers, partners or colleagues from home
- 从任何使用音频和视频的设备呼叫
- 共享屏幕和文件以实现有效的交互
Integrate always-on collaboration capabilities into your professional Business Telephony system to create a more robust system.
- 电话数字化转变为集成协作能力
- 手机容量保持不变
- 优雅时尚的设计
- Office phones become true assistants that can support any type of conversation
- 稳定的音质
感谢我们在为客户定制解决方案方面的经验, we have enlarged our portfolio to offer the following industry-focused solutions:
- 彩虹的教室 创建远程虚拟教室体验, 直接进入你的学习管理系统.
- 彩虹警报 delivers instant notifications with an emergency level to users, plus receipt acknowledgment. 通常用于医疗保健环境.
- 彩虹的房间 reproduces the business meeting experience and integrates into your Smart TV to seamlessly connect remote colleagues in your company.
- 彩虹工作流 for businesses and industries that want to empower their connected devices and turn their data into actions.
- SaaS连接器 enables seamless integration of Rainbow capabilities into existing infrastructure.
随着网络威胁的增长,对安全的需求也在增长. 这取决于你公司的规模, 数据的敏感性和对安全的期望, 您可以选择不同的托管模式.
All Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise products and solutions are data-safe and are built and maintained with strict compliance to security standards.
根据要求,您可以受益于 彩虹的边缘, an on-premises private cloud solution with a flexible architecture that lets you select a region/country local data centre, 连接的边或独立的边.
Have an experienced subject matter expert with you on your digital collaboration journey
数字技术正在迅速变化. Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise experts and dedicated partners deliver a 360° consulting experience.
安全 should be a key selection factor in your collaboration solution search. Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise solutions are built with strict security standards from product development to product maintenance while deployed.
使用Rainbow CPaaS服务, 您将受益于为您的火狐体育手机设计的解决方案, 你的公司和你的员工.
ALE首席信息安全官, Sebastien罗氏, shares insights into ALE’s approach to business continuity and security.
阿尔卡特朗讯企业版Rainbow™, offers robust security and reliability for safeguarding business assets, 确保他们的安全, 兼容的, and al…
Alcatel-Lucent Rainbow telephony connector lets enterprises seamlessly integrate telephony features into their Microsoft Teams application
As enterprises and governments look to digitally transform and more permanently support flexible work models, 他们别无选择,只能加强网络安全。
社交网络的结合, 移动互联网, data lakes and information warehouses – all made accessible as a Service from the cloud
The ebook describes how CPaaS can help enterprises deliver better customer experiences.
随着世界适应远程学习和虚拟教室, schools are being tasked with continuing to deliver high-quality education.
The new work world is bringing the need for data sovereignty and security to the forefront, as businesses shift to the cloud to enable people to work from 在任何地方.
As the pandemic circled the globe it quickly became evident that organizations needed to react rapidly to enable their teams to begin working remotely.